ARGOS matrix 400 – new dimensions in surface inspection


ARGOS matrix 400 system

With the ARGOS matrix family, DIOPTIC has developed a mature solution for the automated surface inspection of optics. The latest child ARGOS matrix 400 with a maximum inspection area of 400×600mm opens up completely new possibilities. Because with it, not only the lenses but also the injection molds can be inspected for surface defects during optical plastic injection molding.

surface inspection with ARGOS matrix 400

Plastic optics are increasingly being used in the application fields of digital imaging or automotive assistance systems. Sophisticated LED technologies and optical sensor systems are now based on a large number of plastic lenses. The ARGOS system, which is unique worldwide, is ideally suited for the automated surface inspection of such lenses and plastic optics. Tests of all relevant specifications according to ISO 10110-7 are possible; even the smallest defects down to 1 µm in size can be reliably detected. The digitized inspection provides process reliability and ensures complete validation and documentation.

ARGOS matrix 400 system
ARGOS matrix 400 without cover

New approach to optical plastic injection molding

As a rule, the surface quality of the lenses is inspected on the product (namely on the lenses). With the new ARGOS matrix 400 and its large dimensioned inspection area, an interesting question arises in a completely new way: What if the quality of the lenses is not inspected on the products, but is ensured via surface inspection on the production tools? As is well known, plastic optics are manufactured in large quantities using precise injection molding processes. The decisive factor here is that the quality of the products depends to a large extent on the surface quality of the injection molds.

Detect defects on injection molds

Here, too, ARGOS matrix 400 proves to be the ideal solution. The inspection area of a maximum of 400×600 mm makes it possible to inspect appropriately large injection molds with any number of cavities. Depending on the specification, surface defects are detected and documented. Of course, the ARGOS system can also be directly connected to the quality assurance system in this case. Automated testing of surface cleanliness is thus brought forward in the process; deviations or defects are detected in the mold before they become a problem. Based on the detailed inspection reports, customers can in turn further improve their manufacturing processes.

ARGOS matrix lenses

Perspectives and application scenarios

“We have determined in customer projects that surface inspection of injection molds with the ARGOS matrix 400 delivers very convincing results in terms of process and product quality. This applies to optical plastic injection molding just as much as to comparably demanding injection molding technologies,” DIOPTIC Sales Manager Dr. Roland Goschke is pleased to report. And there is much to suggest that surface inspection of injection molds with the ARGOS system will open up further new dimensions. For example, in the inspection of high-precision surfaces in semiconductor manufacturing. But more about that shortly.